Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Tips Tricks to choose a comfortable car for family

Having a family vehicle, especially a comfortable and safe is the desire of all families.

However, to choose the ideal vehicle and in accordance with the financial conditions are also tricky. Because this time, almost all vehicle manufacturers offer a variety of types and prices, ranging from large cars to just fit for family planning (FP).

It takes a lot of considerations ranging from shape, size, price and of course, considerations of convenience and security for families in selecting a suitable vehicle. Here are some tips on choosing a family vehicle:

First, choose a vehicle that corresponds to the number of family members, not to only because of prestige alone.

Second, the priority value of the security (safety first) on these vehicles, because vehicles will we choose a family vehicle, so it is important to ask about his safety test, if it is passed or not.

Third, try to check the drive (test drive) on the street potholes, whether guncangannya hard or not. Choose a vehicle with a soft dings, so it is quite comfortable when driving on ordinary roads and highways.

Fourth, choose a vehicle that has high economic value, fuel efficient and low maintenance costs, thus saving the monthly fee.

Fifth, find the service center location information of vehicles, whether or not widely available. Then ask the price for spare parts, because it is common knowledge, a lot of cheap parts in the early stages but expensive to maintain.

Sixth, pay attention to air bag (air bag) if you choose a car for the family, and make sure everything is functioning properly.

Seventh, look at every seat belts both front, middle and back and make sure whether it can be arranged for the children.

Eighth, consider the anti-lock brake system, if equipped with ABS system (Anti-lock Braking System) which can lock when the vehicle skidded and fixed Dalan controlled circumstances.

Ninth, make sure also if the vehicle is equipped with a safety door and window locks so as to ensure children are always safe in the vehicle at all times.

In addition to the above tips, is not the time anymore to underestimate exposure to sunlight without protection given the increase in skin cancer cases, due to excessive sun exposure.

Skin requires a high SPF sunscreen grade. Therefore, for the sake of convenience and security of the family from the sun to the car window, use the right window film and best in its class.

The terms of a glass of good movies are:
1. Can control the heat
2. Resistance to load / punch
3. Clarity of vision
4. Can save fuel.

And about window film, for more than fifteen years, V-KOOL is a premium brand and the top choice of families in Indonesia.

V-KOOL provides a window film with the best lighting for safe driving, as well as comfort for rejecting infra red and ultra violet rays by 99 percent. Why?

Because V-KOOL 40 (darkness 40 percent) being the only window film that can provide protection against the sun's heat. In the usual window film, heat will be absorbed by the cabin so that it can damage the dashboard.

As for V-KOOL 70 (darkness 20 percent) gave the largest Visible Light transmittance which will provide the best lighting for a family driving safety.

In addition, V-KOOL 40 400 + SPF protection, thus protecting the skin when in a vehicle from sun exposure and skin cancer danger.

Because, on the basis of test results between Southwall Technologies Inc.., Visteon and the U.S.. Department of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), V-KOOL can improve fuel efficiency by 3 percent, and 25 percent faster time to reach the level of comfort than an ordinary car glass. This proves that V-KOOL thoroughly tested internationally.

Well, if all requirements are met, then please make the best deals, then ride your best family car and take home to your home garage. Good driving and make sure safety is a major family!

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